Hybrid Events a Combination of Virtual and Physical Components

Hybrid Events are a combination of both virtual and physical components of an event. You can have a few people participating live and the rest join virtually. A virtual event is also called an online event is an interactive gathering that happens on the internet. Virtual events are not restricted to a single location. A remote attendee can join and participate from anywhere in the world as long as they have access to the internet. At Parklane Africa, we specialize in planning and executing physical, virtual, and hybrid events with excellence.

Hybrid events have become an increasingly important and successful method of hosting events even way before the COVID -19 pandemic took hold. They are most commonly used to good effect when large corporations are looking to bring their employees or key audiences together for an event but it is not possible for everyone to meet in person.

Due to the current Covid-19 situation, the spotlight is increasingly turning to hybrid events as a means for organizations to hold an event while still adhering to the social distancing rules around the pandemic. Parklane Africa has the equipment, resources, personnel, and capacity to set up physical, virtual end hybrid events from a small boardroom capacity to a large stadia gathering.

Benefits Of Hosting A Hybrid Event

  • Adherence to the Covid-19 health protocols.
  • Increase in reach to capture more attendees due to geographical and time restrictions and time constraints. Participants, panel engagements are what distinguishes it from watching pre-recorded content. Attendees can share content, comment, like and share content and so much more at the literal click of a button. For example, you can conduct polls, and get feedback from your live and virtual audiences.
  • There is real-time social media integration with live streams and virtual events hence has a wider coverage over a given time.
  • Data Collection is faster and more accurate than physical events. For instance, you can get the actual no of participants within a session, interaction levels in working groups/teams. You have a great deal of traceable information and data which helps you to refine and improve subsequent vents.
  • Reduced Costs: Hybrid events are cheaper to set up and execute which saves on budget on the side of the organization and the participants. It saves costs in accommodation, venue hire, food and refreshments, and travel costs.
  • Flexibility: Hybrid events are more flexible in terms of time and location. It is easier to shift time setting regardless of geographical location because participants can attend from wherever they are regardless of the time differences.

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